The dermatologist is a specialist that specializes in disorders of the skin. Sure, there are times when you can seek help from your general practitioner, such as for poison ivy or minor skin irritation, but there are other times you need to seek help from a specialist. Read on for tips to help you decide when it's time to seek help from a dermatologist.
Your Skin Irritation Is Not Clearing Up
If you have a minor skin irritation that you have been getting treated by your GP, but it isn't going away, it may be something more than a minor irritation and it's time to seek help from the dermatologist instead. Your minor irritation could be eczema, psoriasis or it could even be a pre-cancerous spot. If your irritation is itchy or flares up depending on what you ate or drank or if you are more stressed than normal, it's more than a minor irritation. If it appears to heal, then comes back, it's the sign of something more severe than a minor issue, and could be cancerous.
Your Moles Are Changing
If you have a mole that appears to be changing in size, shape, or color, it may be a cancerous mole and needs to be looked at by a dermatologist. The dermatologist will take a scalpel and take a sample of the mole to have it tested to see if it is cancerous or not. If it is cancerous, the mole and some of the surrounding skin (if necessary) will be removed. The skin surrounding the area will also be tested to be sure all of the cancerous cells have been removed. Watch your moles to be sure they aren't changing shape, aren't becoming raised when they never were before, and aren't changing in color, such as turning black or getting a reddish hue.
You Have Growths You Didn't Have Before
If you have noticed growths, such as flesh-colored growths you never had before, they could be warts or they could be something else. If they are warts, you may not want these on your skin and may want to have them removed. These growths are also usually tested to be sure they aren't cancerous. You could have warts on your body or even on your feet, which can be caused by a viral infection. These warts may need to be frozen off, which should be left to the dermatologist to handle.
If you have any of these skin concerns, you should seek help from the dermatologist. Make an appointment if you have any skin concerns to have them treated properly.
For more information, contact a dermatologist today.