Here's What Happens During A Skin Cancer Check

If you have noticed any changes in your skin such as moles, it is important to get checked out by a dermatologist. Skin cancer screenings are done to detect any signs of potentially problematic areas on the skin. For many people, it is important to go in prepared and be aware of what will happen during the exam. Here's what you need to know about what happens during a skin cancer check. [Read More]

What To Expect From Skin Cancer Screening And Treatment

If you think you may have skin cancer, it's important to see a dermatologist for an examination. Dermatologists help people care for their skin health in addition to providing cosmetic surfaces. Your dermatologist can provide screening services for skin cancer and also help you decide your next steps if cancer is diagnosed. These are four steps involved in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer: 1. Your dermatologist will examine your entire body, including your scalp and feet. [Read More]

Natural Remedies For Scar Lightening

A scar can be embarrassing depending on which part of the body it is located. If it is highly visible then it can make you feel self-conscious. However, there are natural dermatology methods you can use to assist with the reduction of the scar as well. These treatments rarely have any side effects and can help to reduce your scars significantly. The key to getting them to work for you is consistency. [Read More]

Rosacea Treatments That May Work For You

Rosacea is a skin condition in which your nose may swell or appear red, you may have pimples or pustules, and you may also experience redness on your cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin. Rosacea, when severe enough, can begin to affect your eyes as well. Your eyes may be very itchy, dry and you may experience blurred vision. If you have rosacea, there are treatments that are available, but it may take some trial and error to find which ones will work best for you. [Read More]